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- The Sentieri Team

Monday, December 23, 2013

Winter 2014 Italian Book Club :
Letteratura dell'immigrazione in Italia
Led by Daniela Cavallero
Scontro di civiltà per un ascensore a piazza Vittorio”,
by Amara Lakhous

Join Sentieri in a Sunday afternoon discussion group that will explore this remarkable novel suitable for intermediate and advanced Italian students.

Winter 2014's book is a compelling mix of social satire and murder mystery. A small culturally mixed community living in an apartment building in the center of Rome is thrown into disarray when one of the neighbors is murdered.

Meets Sundays, from 2-4pm, January 26th, February 9th and 23rd, and March 9th
Registration and payment in hand by 1/18/2014.
Cash/check: $ 150.00
+ Materials not included, to be ordered independently
+ Membership discount does not apply.

+ $15 surcharge for payment by Visa or Mastercard.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Interpreting and Translation

Interpreting and Translation Services
English and Italian

Services for general language and specific language including commercial language, business language and legal language.

·        General Language Interpreting for 1–5 people:
$80.00 per hour*
·        General Language Interpreting for 6-10 people:
$100.00 per hour*
·        Specific Language Interpreting : $150.00 per hour*
·        Customized General Language Interpreting for 10 or more people.
*Minimum of 3 hours.

·        General Language Translations: ¢20 per word
·        Specific Language Translations: ¢25 per word

·        Italian Citizenship Document Translations: $50.00 per page

Past and Present Clients:
·       C.A. Studio Nervi, Torino, Italy
·       Chicago Symphony Orchestra
·       Prudential Relocation, USA
·       Inlingua Cross-Cultural Services, USA
·       Cendant Cross-Cultural Services, USA
·       McDonalds Co., USA
·       Whirlpool Co., USA
·       NTC, USA
·       Rand McNally, USA

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Eataly Opens Tomorrow!

A great week for Chicago Italian-food enthusiasts.

Italian food emporium Eataly opens tomorrow, December 2nd, at 4 p.m. at 43 E. Ohio Avenue. The two-story megastore will host eight restaurants, two coffee bars, a microbrewery, a gelateria, a bookstore, and retail stands that sell produce, fish, meat, cheese, pastries, and salumi. And it would be remiss of us not to mention the Nutella stand.

Now, who's excited?

Sentieri Blog Contributor

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Skip the Black Friday Crowds & Give the Gift of Language

Give the Gift of Language - Sentieri Italiani
This year, instead of fighting the Black Friday crowds to do your shopping, curl up with a glass ofvino and give your favorite Italophile a gift certificate at Sentieri Italiani.  

Certificates can be purchased in any amount and used for language classes, private Skype lessons, movie nights and cultural tours. 

We will print out the certificate and send it to you or to the recipient - your choice! 

To purchase by check or over the phone, call Enrico at 773-275-5325 or email at enrico@sentieri.com  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Different Languages, Different Personalities

It's not a new debate, though it still comes up quite frequently among linguists and language teachers. This recent article in The Economist poses the question yet again. Does each language encode a specific worldview that influences the way in which its speakers communicate? The obvious answer seems to be a resounding yes, but what of bilinguals? Or second language learners? Do languages rather than emotions shape thought?

The article posits that a single person's personality and behavior can drastically change from language to language for a variety of reasons. Of course, there's language ability and comfort level as well as emotions associated with a language. If a particular language reminds someone of friends or home, surely they behave differently than in the language that represents work or studies. But perhaps there are certain inherent properties in languages that cause their speakers to behave in certain way? Is it possible that grammar and syntax can push us to think differently?

The article offers some examples of this, but no concrete proof. For example, a language like Greek, in which the verb comes first and is loaded with information based on its conjugation, might allow for its speakers to interrupt more easily than in a language where the verb comes at the end of the sentence.

So, I pose the question to you- Do you notice a change in personality when you speak Italian? Why do you think this is?

Sentieri Blog Contributor

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sentieri Event: Festa di Natale

Festa di Natale – Sentieri's Holiday Party
Sunday, December 8th
5:00 – 8:00 pm
at the California Clipper

  Magic Show!      DJ!      Snacks!      Cash Bar!      Raffle!

Celebrate the holidays and another year with your favorite Italian speakers! Join the students, teachers and
friends of Sentieri as we celebrate Natale. The private party is at the California Clipper bar, located at
1002 N. California Ave.
$20 per person
$15 per Sentieri member
*Cash or check payment due by December 2, 2013
*Send check to: Sentieri 5430 N. Broadway St. Chicago, IL
*Call to make an appointment: 773-275-5325

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

La Zucca isn't only for Halloween

This week, seeing as though Halloween is fast approaching, we saw it only fitting that we introduce you to some of our favorite Italian idioms that also happen to reference one of the most popular foods from this time of the year. Pumpkin!

Avere poco sale in zucca translated literally means "to have very little salt in the pumpkin," but what does it even mean? The phrase is used to describe someone who is- how can we say?- lacking in intelligence or good sense. Interestingly enough, this phrase comes from a time when pumpkins were used as containers for salt. When poor farmers were low on salt, they would often say, "Abbiamo poco sale in zucca."

Pumpkins also got a bit of a bad rap since they weren't considered to be of much nutritional value and don't have a strong flavor. So if someone calles you a "zuccone" ("a big pumpkin") or tells you that you are a "zucca vuota" (an empty pumpkin), you can be assured that it isn't a compliment.

Buon Halloween a tutti!

Sentieri Blog Contributor

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Winter 2014 - Italian Class Schedule

Italian Class at Sentieri Italiani

Sentieri Italiani
5430 N. Broadway St. Chicago, IL 60640

Italian Courses
Winter 2014
January 6th to March 15th

Basic Italian 1, absolute beginner
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Basic Italian 2
Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Basic Italian 3
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Basic Italian 4
Saturdays, 10:30am–12:30pm

Intermediate Italian: Listening, Vocabulary and Speaking
Saturdays, 10:30am–12:30pm

Advanced Italian: Listening, Vocabulary and Speaking
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Conversation Italian 1
Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm

Conversation Italian 2
Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Conversation Italian 3
Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm

Conversation Italian 4
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Book Club (intermediate/advanced)
Fridays, 10:00am–12:00pm

Course Fees
(min. 8 students per class)

Standard Registration 
(after November 15th)
Cash/check: $300.00

- Credit Card transactions: $15 extra, membership discount does not apply
Materials not included. If required for your course, material prices will be sent with your course confirmation and will be payable at the first class.

Register by 
  • Sending registration form and payment to Sentieri: 5430 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Private Italian classes at Sentieri
  • One-on-one sessions to be scheduled upon registration. 
  • Lessons by phone or email are also available 
Course Fees
  • Six Lessons (One hour each) $420
  • Eight Lessons (One hour each) $530
  • Ten Lessons (One hour each) $650
  • Any additional person is $30 per hour
  • Lessons by phone or email are also available
  • Classes can be held at your location for an additional $200 per package
Register by 
  • Calling 773-275-5325. Once schedule is confirmed, payment is due one week prior to the first lesson. Send payment to Sentieri: 5430 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Daniela Cavallero during an Italian class on Skype
Private Italian classes on Skype
  • One-on-one sessions to be scheduled upon registration. 
  • Lessons held by Skype
Course Fees
  • Individual hour $80
  • 6 hour package $420
  • 8 hour package $530
  • 10 hour package $650
Register by 
  • Calling 773-275-5325. Payment due at registration. Visa or Master Card only.

Interested in one of our classes but still have some questions? Call us today at 773-275-5325 or submit our online contact form.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A (Very) Brief History of the Giallo

An American writer wanders the streets of Rome when he witnesses a black-clad figure stab a woman inside an art gallery. Shocked, he rushes to help, only to find himself suddenly trapped by the gallery's enormous glass doors. Powerless, he watches in horror as the woman cries for help as she dies. 
With the approach of Halloween, many of us are spending the coming weeks catching up on horror flicks and Italy certainly has no dearth of films in this genre. The above scene opens Dario Argento's 1970 The Bird With the Crystal Plummage, a classic of the giallo genre.
Giallo is the Italian word for yellow, which was the trademark color of the covers of the pulp crime novels, published by Mondadori, starting in 1929. Following their enormous success, other publishing houses soon got in on the act, publishing their own cheap crime novels, always with the yellow cover. The term giallo soon became synonomous with crime fiction.
The films that soon emerged from these novels added elements of horror, eroticism, and madness, taking the typical giallo plots and transforming them from straightforward crime stories into psychological thrillers. While the whodunit aspect of the literary tradition was retained, the murders that occur in gialli are often grotesque, usually filmed in artful, even operatic, ways.
If your curiosity is piqued, here is the trailer from legendary director Mario Bava's 1963 film The Girl Who Knew Too Much, which is generally considered the first film of this genre.
Have you seen any giallo films? If so, which ones are your favorite? Tell us in the comments section below!
Sentieri Blog Contributor

Friday, October 4, 2013

The New Italian Language

Last week while browsing La Repubblica I came across an article detailing new Italian words being put into the 2014 edition of Lo Zingarelli, an Italian dictionary. There has been a proposal of 1,500 new words, some of which come from Italian dialects and American slang. Some of these new words include:

“Hashtag”- This word comes from American slang, and it is primarily used within social media outlets like Twitter. Users place a “#” in front of words or phrases that describe their social media post. This allows other users to search a database that stores other postings that have used the same words or phrases.

“Adultescente”- This word refers to young people in their thirties whose lifestyle (study, work, home) and mentality are considered similar to those of a teenager. This word combines the words “adulto” (adult) and “adolescente” (adolescent).

“Videointervista”- This words means “video-interview”. It is a word that has been common in the Italian language for a while, but only now is it being introduced into Lo Zingarelli.

Changes in the Italian language are very fast. Massimo Arcangeli, a linguist, has noted that it is important to keep new words under observation for a long time so that the frequency of a word’s use and importance in Italian society can be determined.

There are, of course, some words that have been left out of the 2014 edition of Lo Zingarelli. Two of these omissions include:

 “Iperattivi”- This word means “hyperactive.”

“Bling Bling”- This word comes from American slang. It refers to a style of dress that is flashy and ostentatious.

Certainly these new words, coming from different cultural backgrounds, highlight the evolving nature of the Italian language in our modern society.

Sentieri Blog Contributor 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Comedy, Italian Style at the Chicago International Film Festival

October 10 starts the beginning of the 49th edition of the Chicago International Film Festival and we're excited to see that a number of Italian films are scheduled to be shown. This year, in fact, the festival will be celebrating Italian cinema with the retrospective Comedy, Italian Style, showing some of the most beloved Italian comedies of the past few decades.

Some of the films that we're most excited about are Divorce, Italian Style, the 1961 satire of Sicilian male-chauvinist culture, and Amarcord, Fellini's dreamlike capolavoro that pays tribute to small-town Italian life.

Check out the full list of films and showtimes here.

What are some of the films that you are looking most forward to? Let us know in the comments section!

Sentieri Blog Contributor

Monday, September 30, 2013

Italian Cards: Briscola

Game Night:
Saturday, October 26th, 4:00 – 7:00pm

Join Sentieri's game night to play Briscola, the traditional Italian card game. Learn the rules, try a practice hand and play a tournament to win prizes! Light refreshment will be served “Aperitivo” style.

$10 cash or check by 10/24/12, member discount
$15 cash or check by 10/24/12, general admission

Event held at:
5430 N. Broadway, Chicago IL 60640

www.sentieri.com enrico@sentieri.com

Movie and Discussion: Magnifica Presenza

Saturday, November 16th

4:00 – 6:30pm


Magnifica Presenza

Twenty-eight year old Pietro moves to Rome from Sicily with a dream: to be an actor. He lives with his cousin, Maria, with whom he has a love-hate relationship. Finally, the day arrives when Pietro finds a house of his own. However, some particular disturbances start to affect his new free life. It's clear that someone else lives with him... but who? View the trailer here. A 2012 film by Ferzan Ozpetek.

After the viewing there will be a light reception for a discussion of the film. The film is in Italian with English subtitles.

$10 - member discount.  Not a member?  Become a member today!
$15 - general admission
Cash or check in hand by 11/14/2013 or
$20 (Cash only) at the door, last minute seating

You can drop off payment or send check to: 5430 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Please RSVP in person at Sentieri, by email at enrico@sentieri.com or by phone at 773-275-5325.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Interpreting and Translation Services

Interpreting and Translation Services
English and Italian

Services for general language and specific language including commercial language, business language and legal language.

·        General Language Interpreting for 1–5 people:
$80.00 per hour*
·        General Langauge Interpreting for 6-10 people:
$100.00 per hour*
·        Specific Language Interpreting : $150.00 per hour*
·        Customized General Language Interpreting for 10 or more people.
*Minimum of 3 hours.

·        General Language Translations: ¢20 per word
·        Specific language Translations: ¢25 per word

·        Citizenship Document Translations: $50.00 per page

Call or email:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cineforum: Il Villaggio di Cartone

Saturday, September 28th
4:00 – 6:30pm


Il villaggio di cartone

In an age where the Church is of little importance, a old priest struggles with his purpose in life. Then a large group of African stowaways enters into the old priest's church seeking refuge. With some cardboard and the pews, he makes them a small village. A touching film about migrants and faith. Directed in 2011 by Ermanno Olmi. View the trailer here.

After the viewing there will be a light reception for a discussion of the film. The film is in Italian with English subtitles.

$10 - member discount.  Nont a member?  Become a member today!
$15 - general admission
Cash or check in hand by 9/26/2013 or

$20 (Cash only) at the door, last minute seating

You can drop off payment or send check to: 5430 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Please RSVP in person at Sentieri, by email at enrico@sentieri.com or by phone at 773-275-5325.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Sentieri Membership Benefits

Sentieri Membership Benefits

Become a member of Sentieri Italiani and enhance your Italian experience in Chicago for less!
Sentieri members out to dinner.


~ 10% Discount on Sentieri Italiani’s Italian Language Classes and Private Tutoring

~Discounted or exclusive registration to Sentieri’s events

~Use of Sentieri Italiani’s book and video library

~Discounts ranging from 10% - 20% off with Sentieri Italiani business partners.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Sentieri Italiani - Summer 2013 Event Schedule

Cultural Event: Briscola

Tuesday, July 16th, 7:00pm
Learn a traditional Italian card game and enjoy pizza at Antica Pizzeria.

$25 with RSVP for Sentieri members
$30 with RSVP general admission

Cineforum: Benvenuti Al Nord

Saturday, August 10th, 4:00 – 6:30pm
Film in Italian with English subtitles, discussion and light reception follow

$10 with RSVP for Sentieri members
$15 with RSVP general admission
$20 at the door

Regional Dining: Traditional Basilicata Menu

Sunday, August 18th
Enjoy traditional dishes from the Basilicata region at Anna Maria Pasteria.

$30 with RSVP for Sentieri members
$35 with RSVP general admission

Please RSVP in person at Sentieri, by email at enrico@sentieri.com, by phone at 773-275-5325 or on Facebook by joining our events.
You can drop off payment or send check to: 5430 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Not a Sentieri Italiani member? Become a member today and enjoy discounts and other benefits

Cineforum: Benvenuti Al Nord

Saturday, August 10th, 4:00 – 6:30pm

Film in Italian with English subtitles, discussion and light reception follow

$10 with RSVP for Sentieri members
- not a member? Become a member today and enjoy discounts and other benefits

$15 with RSVP general admission
$20 at the door

Please RSVP in person at Sentieri, by email at enrico@sentieri.com or by phone at 773-275-5325 or on Facebook by joining our event.

You can drop off payment or send check to: 5430 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble (?) task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course! Written by Guy Bellinger  (courtesy of IMDb.com)

Traditional Basilicata Menu - Sentieri Italiani Regional Dining Event

Sunday, August 18th

Enjoy traditional dishes from the Basilicata region at Anna Maria Pasteria.

Anna Maria Pasteria - get directions
4400 N. Clark Street (NW corner of Montrose and Clark)
Chicago, Illinois 60640

Anna Maria Pasteria is a Sentieri Italiani business partner. Sentieri members enjoy discounts here. More info including their menu can be found on the pasteria's website

$35 with RSVP general admission
$30 with RSVP for Sentieri members - not a member? Become a member today and enjoy discounts and other benefits

RSVP in person at Sentieri, by email at enrico@sentieri.com or by phone at 773-275-5325 or on Facebook by joining our event.

You can drop off payment or send check to: 5430 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Briscola at Antica Pizzeria - Sentieri Italiani Cultural Events

Tuesday, July 16th, 7-9pm

Let's play Briscola, the traditional Italian card game! Enjoy Antica Pizzeria's authentic Italian pizza while learning the rules to Briscola and playing with your friends tournament style!
Sign up early for a copy of the official rules.

Antica Pizzeria 
*BYOB located at 5663 North Clark Street, Chicago. 773-944-1492

$25 for members Not a member? Become a member today and enjoy discounts and other benefits 
$30 general admission 

Food included with admission fee. 

RSVP by 
  • Joining the event on Facebook 
  • Emailing enrico@sentieri.com
  • Calling 773.275.5325
  • Sending or bringing a check to Sentieri: 5430 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Find out if you are eligible for Italian Citizenship

The applicant will be contacted within 3 business days of submitting this form in order to schedule a consultation. 
The consultation and subsequent services can be provided by Sentieri’s sister company, ICAP. The email consultation is free and will set out the steps for eligibility and how to proceed thereafter.

Why Become an Italian citizen? 7 Benefits of Italian Citizenship

Would you like to become an Italian citizen?
If you are an American citizen whose parent, grandparent, or great-grandfather was an Italian
citizen, you may be eligible for dual citizenship with Italy by “Right of Blood for People of Italian
Descent.” Spouses of Italian citizens are also eligible to apply for dual citizenship.

What are the Benefits of Italian Citizenship?
  1. To be able to legally work, reside and study in Italy and in the other 28 E.U. countries (U.K.,France, Germany, Holland etc.)
  2. Unrestricted ability to buy property in Italy and complete all economic transactions
  3. To be able to transfer the citizenship to all children under 18 years old automatically
  4. Access to public medical care and low cost, high quality public education
  5. To have the right to vote for the Italian Parliament representative in your region
  6. To establish a firm identity with your Italian heritage
  7. Serving in the military is no longer required of citizens
Services you can Trust

If you are in the process of applying for Italian Citizenship, the most important choice when selecting a service is finding a program with knowledge of the Dual Citizenship Process. We connect with experts to obtain US Naturalization Records and Italian Vital Records, and we are Professional Translators. Let us help you complete your Italian Citizenship Application with
ease and accuracy at affordable rates.

Top Quality Services at Affordable Rates

  • Professional Translation of all U.S. Records
  • Information regarding the Eligibility Requirements
  • Procurement of Italian Vital Records
  • Obtain US Naturalization Records or Statements of “No-Record” from USCIS
  • US Vital Record and Apostille Services
Call us today at 773-275-5325 to get started or email us at info@sentieri.com

Find out more about our genealogy services on our site at www.sentieri.com/italian_roots

Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer 2013 - Italian Class Schedule

Summer Quarter, July 22nd to August 24th, 2013

Class Duration: five weeks. Learn more about our classes and their structure on our website at sentieri.com.

Sentieri Italiani
5430 N. Broadway St. Chicago, IL 60640

Italian Courses

Basic Italian 2
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Basic Italian: Listening, Vocabulary and Speaking
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Intermediate Italian: Listening, Vocabulary and Speaking
Saturdays, 10:30am–12:30pm

Advanced Italian: Listening, Vocabulary and Speaking
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Conversation Italian: Intermediate
Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm

Conversation Italian: Advanced
Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm

Course Fees
(min. 8 students per class)
Early Registration (by May 31st)
Cash/check: $190

Standard Registration
Cash/check: $210

- Credit Card transactions: $15 extra, membership discount does not apply
- Materials included for all students registered by 7/1/2013

Register by 
  • Sending registration form and payment to Sentieri: 5430 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Special Courses

Letteratura Italiana (intermediate/advanced)
Fridays, 10:00am–12:00pm

Course Fees
(min. 8 students per class)
Early Registration (by May 31st)
Cash/check: $150

Standard Registration
Cash/check: $170

- Credit Card transactions: $15 extra, membership discount does not apply
- Materials not included for Letteratura

Register by 
  • Sending registration form and payment to Sentieri: 5430 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Private Italian classes at Sentieri
  • One-on-one sessions to be scheduled upon registration. 
  • Lessons by phone or email are also available 
Course Fees
  • Six Lessons (One hour each) $420
  • Eight Lessons (One hour each) $530
  • Ten Lessons (One hour each) $650
  • Any additional person is $30 per hour
  • Lessons by phone or email are also available
  • Classes can be held at your location for an additional $200 per package
Register by 
  • Calling 773-275-5325. Once schedule is confirmed, payment is due one week prior to the first lesson. Send payment to Sentieri: 5430 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640

Private Italian classes on Skype
  • One-on-one sessions to be scheduled upon registration. 
  • Lessons held by Skype
Course Fees
  • Individual hour $80
  • 6 hour package $420
  • 8 hour package $530
  • 10 hour package $650
Register by 
  • Calling 773-275-5325. Payment due at registration. Visa or Master Card only.

Interested in one of our classes but still have some questions? Call us today at 773-275-5325 or submit our online contact form.